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Archival black and white photo of train tracks along a river

Press Releases


Looking for a particular SJW story? Browse the press releases below to see all our big news.

San Jose Water Files 2021 Supplier Diversity Report

Total number of diverse suppliers within the SJW supply chain increased by 13% from 2020

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 10, 2022 – San Jose Water (“SJW” or “the Company”), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of SJW Group (NYSE: SJW), announced today that it has filed its 2021 Supplier Diversity report with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

San Jose Water Makes Donation to San Jose Aspires

San Jose, CA — July 16, 2020 - San Jose Water (“SJW” or “the Company”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SJW Group (NYSE: SJW), announced today that it has made a $50,000 donation to San Jose Aspires, an education initiative launched by the office of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, to support underserved San Jose high school students by getting them on a pathway to postsecondary education.


San Jose Water Donates $250k in 2021; Receives Recognition for Community Support

San Jose Water continues its annual dedication to community giving through donations to several Bay Area organizations.

SAN JOSE, Calif., February 2, 2022 – San Jose Water (“SJW” or “the Company”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SJW Group (NYSE: SJW), announced today that it donated $250,000 to local non-profits, community organizations, and other philanthropic entities in 2021. Monetary donations are funded by Company shareholders. 

Operation Gobble image of package with turkey tag on it

San Jose Water, CWA Team Up with Assemblyman Evan Low to Donate Thanksgiving Meals

San Jose Water Supports Operation Gobble

In the face of extraordinary economic hardship this year, many local residents are struggling to put food on the table. San Jose Water (SJW) is making sure needy residents in the greater San Jose area can still enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with the donation of 100 Safeway gift cards to The African American Community Service Agency (AACSA).

Andy Gere, rep from Amigos de Guadalupe, State Senator Dave Cortese holding Operation Gobble gift certificates

SJW, California Water Association Team up with Senator Dave Cortese and Assemblymember Evan Low to Donate Thanksgiving Meals

[San Jose, CA - November 17, 2021] — In the face of continued economic hardship this year, San Jose Water (SJW) is making sure residents in the greater San Jose area can still enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with the donation of 100 Safeway gift cards to Amigos de Guadalupe on behalf of California State Senator Dave Cortese, and 100 Safeway gift cards to the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ+ Community Center on behalf of California Assemblymember Evan Low.

Service Area Address Check

the San Jose Water service area.
google map showing address